Nethra Pomegranate Eye Treatment – 20 Packs

Rs. 900.00
or 3 X Rs.300.00

  • Relieves heat in the eyes.
  • Gives a bright pair of eyes.
  • Eye inflammation, itching goes away.
  • Promotes eye health.

 Contact/WhatsApp : 0777192230 / 0777166925 / 0774401277

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Pomegranate Leaves for Eye Health
Discover the ancient wisdom behind using pomegranate leaves for eye care – a global practice known for its incredible benefits. Pomegranate leaves boast powerful bactericidal properties without causing any irritation, making them a timeless remedy for eye medicine.

Introducing Matakadara Nethra Eye Pack
Experience the goodness of pomegranate leaves in a beautiful and convenient form with our Mathakadara Nethra Eye Pack. Each pack contains 20 small dehydrated pomegranate leaf sachets designed to unlock the medicinal wonders of these leaves.

Your Eye Care Ritual
Simply take two of these sachets and infuse them in hot water. After steeping, use the liquid to wash your face, especially around the eyes. Then place the two sachets on your closed eyes for 15 minutes. The soothing sensation is beyond description.

Benefits of Nethra Eye Care
️ Relief from Eye Issues: Alleviates eye inflammation, itching, tearing, and redness caused by heat.
️ Reduces Eye Swelling: Effectively reduces eye swelling and fortifies against infectious eye diseases, boosting eye immunity.
️ Combat Eye Strain: Counteracts eye strain and fatigue from prolonged device usage.
️ Vision Enhancement: Aids in improving eyesight while increasing brightness and clarity.
️ Vibrant Eyes: Unveils a radiant, vibrant appearance with eyes shining in a stunning blue hue.



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