
Maca Root Extract Powder Men & Women Energy Maca Coffee

Rs. 6,500.00
or 3 X Rs.2,166.67


1. Enhance libido, relieve fatigue and stress and promote erection.

2. Improve sexual perfomance, nourish prostate

3. Promote blood circulation, improve body vitality.

4. Strengthen the body foundation health in generate, restore energy level and boost immune system.

5. Kindney regulation, restore kindney secretion of various vital regulating hormones, leading to total body rejuvenation.

6. Increases libido and treats erectile dysfunction.

දිවයිනපුරා බෙදාහැරීම් 
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or 3 X Rs. 2,166.67 with Koko Koko


So this is where Coffee and Maca comes in. If you’re concerned about managing your coffee intake wisely, about getting the most energy from your coffee and doing the least damage to your health in the process, then you’ll want to consider adding Organic Maca powder to your coffee or replacing your coffee altogether. The positives are clear, especially when you choose a substitute for coffee based on Maca.

Main ingredients:

Specially Blended Coffee, Non-Dairy Creamer, Epimedium Extract, Maca Extract, Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack), Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) Extract, Fructose

The major benefits of Maca over coffee include:

  • Energy boosting without adrenal stress
  • Providing long lasting energy
  • Enhancing memory focus and concentration
  • Increasing stamina and endurance
  • Supporting a healthy libido and increased sexual performance
  • Strengthening teeth and bones
  • Satisfying your appetite for several hours
  • Other potential “fringe” Maca benefits such as an increase in fertility, better thyroid function, hormone balance and more…

1. Enhance libido, relieve fatigue and stress and promote erection.

2. Improve sexual perfomance, nourish prostate

3. Promote blood circulation, improve body vitality.

4. Strengthen the body foundation health in generate, restore energy level and boost immune system.

5. Kindney regulation, restore kindney secretion of various vital regulating hormones, leading to total body rejuvenation.

6. Increases libido and treats erectile dysfunction.

Main Ingredients:

Specially blended coffee, Non-dairy creamer, Epimedium extract, Maca extract,Tongkat ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack), Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius) extract, Fructose.

Maca Coffee Latte Recipe – Vegan, Organic – GMO-Free

If you’d rather avoid coffee altogether and choose an alternative to coffee for energy, then this recipe is for you.   It takes just few minutes to prepare and will keep you energized and satisfied for hours.


You can enjoy this drink either warm or cold. For warm, the first step is to gently warm the milk in a saucepan until your desired temperature.   Add milk and all other ingredients in a blender or shaker jar and blend for about 1 minute until smooth.  By the way, some people describe this mix as butterscotch or caramel flavor.

What To Expect When You Enhance or Change Your Coffee Habits With Maca

One important thing to consider when you are adding the powerful Peruvian food to your diet is that it is indeed a food and it takes time to build up in your system and to show it’s full effects. What that means is if you don’t feel a difference on the first day of trying it, you should absolutely try it again. It may take a few days or even up to a few weeks of consistent use to see differences. The main thing is to stay with it.


Feeling More Satisfied and Eating Less Frequently

One of the best things about Maca is that it is a very nutrient dense food. In general terms Maca is high in vital proteins and low in sugars. It is also rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamin and minerals. And it contains two unique aminos called macaenes and macamides that stimulate the endocrine system. What most people find when eating Maca regularly is that they are satisfied for longer periods of time and end up eating less overall. This, in turn, can certainly lead to weight loss in many cases. You can view Maca’s full nutritional profile here.


How Long Does Sustained Energy Last With Maca?

This is a great question and one of the most exciting benefits of enhancing your daily brew with Maca one way or the other. Unlike regular old coffee, Maca takes your energy up in a controlled fashion and leaves it up for several hours. The majority of people find this energy plateau is pleasant and gets them through the majority of their workdays.

Does This Kind of Coffee Affect You Sexually?

For anyone out there wishing to increase libido, we can certainly recommend Maca. While Maca is not a cure for something like erectile dysfunction for example, it can and does increase appetite and performance in bed as evidenced both in studies and in customer feedback. Even though it has been used to improve sexual functions over thousands of years, it is important to understand that Maca does take time to work and you shouldn’t expect these kinds of results right away. Usually it takes several weeks for Maca to help boost hormonal levels to bring them to their peak levels.

Other Maca Coffee Benefits You Might Experience

Since Maca works on the hormonal system which affects many other systems in the body, it is possible that you may see other nice effects from adding it to you diet including, softer skin, healthier hair, better mood, increased focus and improved memory. These are simply things that you would not get with coffee alone.

Are There Any Side Effects To Be Aware Of?

While Maca has no known side effects, it is important to keep in mind that every body responds differently to this simple food. For that reason, if you’re new to it, we recommend starting with smaller servings and work your way up.

How to use:One scoop every morning, 3 to 5 grams, you can increase or decrease it according to your own taste. You can add milkshakes, smoothies, milk and other foods to increase the flavor according to your own preferences.

Maca coffee යනු මාංශ පේශි වර්ධනය වේගවත් කරන අතරම ඔබට ශක්තිමත්, සෞඛ්‍ය සම්පන්න සහ වඩා ඵලදායී බවක් දැනීමට උපකාරී වන කෝපි විශේෂයකි . මෙය ස්වභාවික මැකා ශාකයෙන් නිෂ්පානය කර ඇත

මෙම නිෂ්පාදනය කිසිදු අතුරු ආබාධයකින් තොරව වේ .

ස්වභාවික මැකා හා කෝපි යොදාගනිමින් නිෂ්පාදනය කර ඇති නිසා කිසිදු අතුරු අභාදයකින් තොරව භාවිතා කල හැකිය.

Maca Coffee නිශ්පාදිත රට කුමක්ද?
ඇමරිකානු නිශ්පාදනයකී.

භාවිතා කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
සෑම උදෑසනකම එක් හැන්දක්, ග්රෑම් 3 සිට 5 දක්වා, ඔබේ රසය අනුව එය වැඩි කිරීමට හෝ අඩු කිරීමට හැකිය. ඔබේ මනාපයන් අනුව රසය වැඩි කිරීම සඳහා මිල්ක්ෂේක්, ස්මූතිස්, කිරි සහ වෙනත් ආහාර එකතු කළ හැකිය.

Maca Coffee මගින් ලැබෙන වෙනත් වාසි?

1.ශිෂ්ණය වර්ධය කිරීම ,ශිෂේණය ඍජු වීම ප්රවර්ධනය කිරීම.

2.තෙහෙට්ටුව සහ ආතතිය නැති කරයි .

3.ලිංගික ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම, පුරස්ථි ග්‍රන්ථිය පෝෂණය කිරීම

4.රුධිර සංසරණය ප්රවර්ධනය, ශරීරයේ ජීව ශක්තිය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම.

5උත්පාදනය, ශක්ති මට්ටම යථා තත්ත්වයට පත් කිරීම සහ ප්රතිශක්තිකරණ පද්ධතිය ඉහළ නැංවීම සඳහා ශරීර පදනමේ සෞඛ්යය ශක්තිමත් කිරීම.

6.වකුගඩු නියාමනය, විවිධ වැදගත් නියාමන හෝර්මෝන වල කරුණාවන්ත ස්‍රාවය යථා තත්වයට පත් කිරීම, සම්පූර්ණ ශරීරය පුනර්ජීවනය කිරීමට හේතු වේ.

7.ලිබිඩෝ වැඩි කරන අතර ශිෂේණය ඍජු අක්‍රියතාවයට ප්‍රතිකාර කරයි.

8.දත් සහ අස්ථි ශක්තිමත් කිරීම

9.පැය කිහිපයක් සඳහා ඔබේ ආහාර රුචිය තෘප්තිමත් කිරීම

10.සශ්‍රීකත්වය වැඩි කිරීම

11.තයිරොයිඩ් ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය හෝමෝන සමතුලිතතාවය පවත්වගැනිමට හැකිය.

12.මාංශ පේශි වර්ධනය සිදු කරයි.

ප්රධාන අමුද්රව්ය:

විශේෂයෙන් මිශ්‍ර කළ කෝපි, කිරි නොවන ක්‍රීමර්, එපිමීඩියම් සාරය, මැකා සාරය, ටොංකට් අලි (යුරිකෝමා ලෝන්ගිෆෝලියා ජැක්), ජින්සෙන්ග් (පැනක්ස් ක්වින්ක්ෆෝලියස්) සාරය, ෆෲක්ටෝස්





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